Any development in a shoreline area or within 200 feet that exceeds exempted thresholds specified in the Bellevue Shoreline Master Program. (WG)
Apply for this permit online at MyBuildingPermit. When entering your Application Information, choose the following:
- Application type: Land Use
- Project type: Nonresidential or Multifamily Residential or Single Family Residential
- Activity type: Shoreline Development
- Scope of work: Shoreline Substantial Development
Required Documents
The documents listed below are the minimum necessary to proceed with the application process. If you believe that a required submittal document does not apply to your project, please upload the Document Waiver Form in place of the required document.
Building Design Documents and Site and Infrastructure Design Documents must be submitted as a single PDF. Each plan listed under the requirement must include a bookmark.
For assistance with electronic plan submittals, refer to Requirements for Electronic Plans
- Bill To Form
- Building Design Documents (Single PDF, Bookmarked, Including all Plans listed Below)
- Description of Proposal
- Basic Site Plan
- Building Elevations Plan
- In addition to the building elevation plan requirements, submittals with a shoreline permit must include any structures proposed relative to the Ordinary High Water Mark elevation shown on the elevation drawing.
- Building Floor Plan
- Onsite Exterior Lighting Plan
- Site and Infrastructure Design Documents (Single PDF, Bookmarked, Including all Plans listed Below)
- Preliminary Storm Drainage Report
- SEPA Environmental Checklist
- No Net Loss Report
- Certain improvements are allowed to deviate from the proscriptive standards in LUC 20.25E for development in the shoreline environments and are specifically stated in the code. In these instances, approval of the alternative is required by Federal and State permitting authorities. This deviation removes the presumption of no net loss of ecological function that is assumed for proposals that follow the standard code requirements. As a result, proposals that deviate through this allowance must provide a no net loss report to show how their proposal will result in no net loss of shoreline ecological functions. To demonstrate no net loss often requires additional mitigation beyond what is required by code. The report must include any proposed mitigation measures as well as a review of how the proposal avoids and minimizes impacts. This report will require an assessment of existing shoreline functions and the functions that will result after the proposed improvements and any mitigation.
- Special Shoreline Report
- The special shoreline report can be used, where allowed, to modify certain requirements of the shoreline master program. The special shoreline report must demonstrate through science-based analysis that the proposal with the requested modification achieves equivalent or better protection of shoreline ecological functions and values than would result from the application of the required code standard. Where the proposal involves restoration of existing conditions in exchange for a reduction in the regulated shoreline setback on a site, the special shoreline report must demonstrate a net increase in certain shoreline functions.
- A special shoreline report can modify the following
- Non-residential shoreline setbacks 20.25E.050.B.3
- Non-residential shoreline impervious surfaces 20.25E.050.C.2
- Off-site mitigation for private and public projects 20.25E.060.D.3.c.i and D.3.c.ii
- Vegetation conservation requirements 20.25E.060.K.4
- Non-residential moorage requirements in 20.25E.180.E
- The special shoreline report shall be prepared by a qualified professional and shall at minimum include the content identified in LUC 20.25E.160.E.5. The Director may waive any of the report requirements where, in the Director’s discretion, the information is not necessary to assess the impacts of the proposal, and the level of protection of shoreline ecological functions and values accomplished.
- Vegetation Conservation Plan
- The Vegetation Conservation Areas (VCA) extends 50 feet upland from the Ordinary High Water Mark (OWHM). Improvements in this area that result in impacts per LUC 20.25E.065 require a plan to determine existing shoreline ecological function and proposed. The plan must quantify all existing vegetation coverage types in the impacted area and determine a functional score per LUC 20.25E.065.F.8.d. The square footage of each coverage type must be determined and shown on the plan in order to calculate the score. The calculation must be done for the proposed shoreline and coverage types so that there is a proposed functional score. The proposed functional score must be equivalent or greater than the existing score. This plan includes a drawing of the site with depiction of ground cover types and their square footages for both existing and proposed as well as the corresponding function calculations and scores.