Permission to vary from the Bellevue City Code or the Land Use Code. Required for noise exceptions where no other development permits exist. (LS)
For permission to vary from the Bellevue City Code (BCC) 9.18 pertaining to requests to generate noise outside of code-specific permitting hours and for more than 30 days see Noise Variance.
See Shoreline Variance for requirements pertaining to the Bellevue Shoreline Master Program.
Apply for this permit online at MyBuildingPermit. When entering your Application Information, choose the following:
- Application type: Land Use
- Project type: Nonresidential or Multifamily Residential or Single Family Residential
- Activity type: Deviations, Modifications, Variances or Waivers
- Scope of work: Variance
Required Documents
The documents listed below are the minimum necessary to proceed with the application process. If you believe that a required submittal document does not apply to your project, please upload the Document Waiver Form in place of the required document.
Building Design Documents and Site & Infrastructure Design Documents are requirements that are submitted in single PDF plan sets. You will be required to bookmark each plan set.
For assistance with electronic plan submittals, refer to Requirements for Electronic Plans
- Bill To Form
- Building Design Documents (Single PDF, Bookmarked, Including all Plans listed Below)
- Boundary & Topographic Survey
- Variance Criteria Letter