A preapplication conference is a free service that allows you to get early feedback and direction from us on your development concept. It is structured to help you develop a complete formal application and a project design that is consistent with Bellevue’s codes and policies. The conference occurs at the schematic design phase, before you submit a formal application for the proposed project. (DB)
Projects that require a preapplication conference
A preapplication conference is required for (and only available to) projects that need one or more of the following:
- Conditional Use Permit
- Shoreline Conditional Use Permit (WA)
- Preliminary Plat (LL)
- Preliminary Short Plat (LN)
- Planned Unit Development (LK)
- Master Development Plan (LP)
- Design Review (LD)
- Design and Mitigation Permits LUC 20.25M (Light Rail Overlay District)
- Critical Areas Land Use Permit (LO)
Arrange a conference
Contact the land use division to schedule a preapplication conference date and time:
- By phone: Call us at 425-452-4188.
- Email landusereview@bellevuewa.gov
- In-person in the Permit Center at City Hall. Sign in at the Service First desk to speak with a land use representative.
After you have received your conference appointment, apply for your preapplication conference permit online at MyBuildingPermit. Preapplication conference materials must be submitted online at least 21 days before the conference date.
When entering your Application Information, choose the following:
- Application type: Land Use
- Project type: Nonresidential or Multifamily Residential
- Activity type: Preapplication Services
- Scope of work: Preapplication Meeting
Required Materials
- Preliminary Plans
Submit the preliminary plans that apply to your project proposal:
Who attends
Representatives from our Building, Clearing & Grading, Land Use, Transportation, Utilities, and Fire review groups may attend.
You and/or your consultant team also attend. The team typically includes an architect, engineer, landscape architect, transportation engineer, and/or other specialists involved in your proposal.
Benefits of preapplication conferences
- Help you identify regulatory opportunities and constraints before you commit a significant amount of time and resources toward a specific course of action.
- Tell you early in the process what permits and approvals are required for the proposal, avoiding unnecessary delays later.
- Find out typical application review and permitting schedules and fees, which will help you develop realistic financing and construction schedules.
- Help you identify the criteria by which your project will be reviewed, enabling you to present your proposal accurately in a formal application.
- Identify other projects or potential code and policy changes that can affect your proposal.
Topics covered in conferences
The following information will be reviewed:
- Required permits, approvals and fees
- Typical project review timelines
- Relevant Comprehensive Plan policies and design criteria
- Guidance on the proposal's design direction (Design Guideline Image Gallery)
- Overview of applicable regulations
- Fatal flaws such as obvious conflicts with codes, policies or city plans
- Recently adopted or anticipated changes to codes and policies
- Known site constraints
- Known impact fees and connection charges
- Known plans that may affect the project, such as road widening and trail construction
- Utility districts, if your project is outside the city’s service boundaries
Limitations of conferences
The depth of feedback from the city relates to the level of detail provided for discussion. Due to the early timing of the conference and the preliminary nature of your design, many relevant project details will not be known and cannot be anticipated at the time of the conference.
Accordingly, the conference cannot provide:
- A detailed plan review. This will occur once a complete formal application is filed.
- Final approval of a proposal
- Training in city codes; you are responsible for getting code information from city sources, like publications and code publishing, and permit center staff and for employing specialists and consultants to act on your behalf.
How will the feedback be documented?
City comments will be documented in a written format and mailed to you within three weeks after the conference.
Conference Location
Preapplication conferences are held on Wednesday afternoons virtually.