Eastgate/Factoria NEP voting phase is complete.
Thank you to Eastgate/Factoria residents for your participation in the Neighborhood Enhancement Program.
Four new capital improvement projects will be funded from the $370,000 Eastgate/Factoria NEP allotted budget, thanks to the 391 ballots that were returned.
Eastgate/Factoria Area Greenbelts Invasive Vegetation Removal
Locations: Various city managed greenbelts and properties within the Eastgate/Factoria neighborhood including, but not limited to, Sunset Mini Park, Sunset Ravine Open Space, Lattawood Park, Airfield Park and Horizon Heights Open Space.
This project will involve the removal of non-native vegetation from city managed greenbelts and properties within the Eastgate/Factoria neighborhood. The scope of work will involve the removal of non-native vegetation including blackberry, ivy, knotweed, and scotch broom and include the planting of native trees and shrubs with an emphasis on creating additional tree canopy where opportunities exist. The new plantings will be watered and maintained by city staff until they are established and self-sustainable. Estimated project completion date: December 2028.
Project Manager: Maryann Olson; molson@bellevuewa.gov
Sunset Ravine Trail Enhancements
Location: Sunset Ravine Trail, 13400 SE 40th St
This project will install the following upgrades to the existing nature trail: create bark surface trail through the Kaiser Permanente lawn to connect to the sidewalk along SE 36th Street, resurface entire trail with medium bark, replace current aging post and rail fencing along top of Ravine with new post and rail fencing similar to the existing style, install two (2) benches at lookout areas to view Ravine area, add plant identification interpretive signage along trail, and install four (4) new bollards with trail and City of Bellevue identifying/wayfinding signage. Estimated project completion date: Fall 2025.
Project Manager: Chris Vandall (425-452-7679); cvandall@bellevuewa.gov
Eastgate Trail Connection to SE 42nd Street
Location: Eastgate Park
This project will construct a new trail and trailhead for improved neighborhood access to and from Eastgate Park to SE 42nd Street. This trail connection will provide improved community access and create expanded passive recreation opportunities within Eastgate Park. The project will utilize the Parks Department Well KEPT program to create job skills and career development opportunities for Bellevue youth in implementing a portion of the trail development. Estimated project completion date: Summer 2026.
Project Manager: Chris Vandall (425-452-7679); cvandall@bellevuewa.gov
SE 42nd St/PL and 161st Ave SE Streetlights
Locations: 161st Ave SE between SE Newport Way and SE 42nd St, SE 42nd St between 161st Ave SE and 163rd Ave SE, Near 4210 163rd Ave SE, Near 16035 SE 42nd Pl, Near 16005 SE 42nd Pl, Near 16008 SE 42nd Pl
This project will install up to thirteen (13) new PSE owned and maintained LED streetlights on existing PSE utility poles within the street limits detailed in locations listed above. Each proposed streetlight will be subject to 100% homeowner approval within a 100-foot radius of the proposed streetlight, prior to installation. Proposed streetlight locations are estimated locations. Project completed: Fall 2024.
Project Manager: Brittany Qaun (425-452-4631); bquan@bellevuewa.gov
An Eastgate/Factoria NEP Newsletter was mailed to each household in your area with complete voting results.
The Eastgate/Factoria NEP kicked off in January 2023 with 144 resident-identified project ideas submitted. Those projects were then reviewed for accessibility, feasibility, cost, timeliness, and maintainability to determine which were eligible to become ballot projects. 10 projects were included on the ballot and voted on by area residents. The top project receiving votes (listed above) will be installed over the next 3-5 years.
Process Materials & Resources
Sept 2023 Eastgate/Factoria NEP Projects Announcement Newsletter
June 2023 Eastgate/Factoria Projects Open House Presentation (PPT)
June 2023 Eastgate/Factoria Voters Pamphlet
Eastgate/Factoria Project Boards (10 individual projects)
Eastgate/Factoria Projects Location Map
Jan 25 2023 Eastgate/Factoria Kickoff Meeting Presentation
Eastgate/Factoria NEP Neighborhood Area Map