The city is dedicated to providing essential services to residents, but it focuses attention on certain issues of major importance. Hot topics include projects with or by other agencies in Bellevue that have an impact on residents.
Diversity Advantage Initiative
An effort to ensure the city provides equitable services and is welcoming to a population that has seen dramatic shifts in age, race and place of birth.
Environmental Stewardship
Since 2006, the city has worked to protect the environment in Bellevue through policies and programs that facilitate conservation and minimize pollution.
Grand Connection Land Use Code
Establishing a vision for a non-motorized corridor through downtown that will create new opportunities for connectivity and community identity. Learn more about the Grand connection.
Homelessness in Bellevue
With the number of unsheltered people on the Eastside growing, the city is engaged in multiple efforts to address homelessness.
Lakemont Boulevard Culvert
The City of Bellevue declared an emergency in 2023 and completed an emergency project in June 2024 to address public safety at the Lakemont Boulevard cros
Pinnacle South
Pinnacle International owns a parcel of land in the Northwest Village District of downtown at 10116 NE Eighth St., and has submitted applications for master development plan and design review approvals for the site.
Vision Zero
Bellevue's Vision Zero initiative aims to eliminate traffic deaths and serious-injury collisions on city streets by 2030. To achieve this goal, the Bellevue City Council adopted the Safe System approach.