City News
Council to hold hearing on code changes regarding light rail
The City Council will hold a public hearing Monday, Feb. 11, to take comments on proposed amendments to Bellevue's land use code that will govern permitting, development standards and design…
Witness sought in Munchbar shooting
Bellevue Police are looking for a man they believe witnessed a Dec. 24 shooting at the Munchbar downtown. A Seattle man was killed in the shooting in the crowded bar, and surveillance…
New playground would inspire Lucy
For children with disabilities, going to most playgrounds can be more frustrating than fun. "Inspiration Playground," to be built at Bellevue Downtown Park, is intended to serve kids of all…
Annual performance survey now open to all residents
The city has initiated its 16th annual survey to assess residents' satisfaction with municipal services, but this year it comes with a twist. For the first time, Bellevue is offering residents who…
Council Roundup: Foul called on roosters
At the request of some residents troubled by a noisy rooster, the City Council Monday asked staff to draft a proposal limiting ownership of them and peacocks and peahens, noted for their alarming…
Cultural Conversation to focus on mourning practices
Bellevue residents from all over the world will get an opportunity to share their stories and their rituals around death and dying at a Cultural Conversations meeting on Tuesday Feb. 12, at the…
Council Roundup: Hearing set on light rail permitting
Also, advisory board for Downtown Livability
Council members on Tuesday scheduled a second public hearing on Feb. 11 to take comments on amending the city's land use code related to the East Link…
Bellevue's future: Driverless cars and smart homes?
Jan. 29 event invites public's thinking about the future
Ever think about what Bellevue will be like in the future? Will cars drive themselves on Lake Hills Boulevard or will your home's lights be…
Free glucose, blood pressure checks for Heart Week
Bellevue firefighters and Overlake Hospital doctors and nurses will offer free blood pressure and blood sugar checks at community centers, shopping malls and other locations Feb. 16-23. During "Heart…
Forum on teen drug and alcohol prevention
Prevention and intervention will be the focus of the Teen Anti-Drug and Alcohol Forum, Jan. 23, 6-8:30 p.m., in the Sammamish High School cafeteria, 100 140th Ave. S.E.
Topics include understanding…