Bellevue Utilities provides high-quality drinking water, sewer and stormwater drainage services that sustain and support your quality of life.
Your rates support:
- Delivery of safe and reliable drinking water to homes and businesses in Bellevue. We maintain more than 600 miles of water mains and 24 reservoirs with a storage capacity of over 40 million gallons.
- Keeping our waterways free of raw sewage and reducing polluted stormwater runoff. We protect over 80 miles of open streams and more than 800 acres of protected wetlands.
- Prevention of flooding and sewer backups. We safely send wastewater to King County treatment facilities using more than 500 miles of sewer mains.
Infrastructure renewal and replacement
Bellevue has over $3.5 billion worth of water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure. Continued investment in these facilities is important as they age, to keep them functioning to provide the drinking water, sewer and stormwater drainage services you rely on.
View projects that ensure sustainable infrastructure:
Water | Sewer | Stormwater
Healthy environment
Bellevue is known as a "city in a park." Utilities' capital Investments help support a livable city in the following ways:
- Flood control projects protect property and the environment.
- Maintaining sewer pump stations prevents sewage overflows, supporting healthy waterways.
- Improving stream stability by reducing erosion, removing barriers to fish passage and removing pollutants from stormwater runoff supports healthier streams for fish and wildlife.
View projects that support a healthy environment:
Increasing capacity
Bellevue remains attractive to both new residents and businesses. Bellevue Utilities plans for and helps provide sufficient water and sewer capacity for planned population and employment growth.
VIew projects that support increased capacity: