Overall, the project will improve highway access, provide additional roadway capacity and reduce traffic congestion with specific improvements for each portion of the corridor. After the construction of these improvements, travel delays during the peak evening periods are expected to be reduced in half through this section of the 150th Avenue Southeast corridor.
The proposed project will relieve congestion in the 150th Avenue Southeast corridor between Southeast 38th Street and Eastgate Way. The project includes:
- An additional southbound general-purpose travel lane on 150th Avenue Southeast starting north of Southeast Eastgate Way and continuing to Southeast 38th Street.
- An additional right-turn lane from the eastbound I-90 off-ramp to southbound 150th Avenue Southeast.
- Safety improvements to the right turn pocket on northbound 150th Avenue Southeast.
- An additional left turn pocket and restriping of Southeast 37th Street from 150th Avenue Southeast to the eastbound I-90 on-ramp.
- An additional left-turn pocket (creating two left-turn pockets) on northbound 150th Avenue Southeast at Southeast Eastgate Way with roadway widening on westbound Eastgate Way to receive the second left turn lane traffic.
Eastbound I-90 off-ramp: The intended use of the off-ramp is to provide right-turn capacity for vehicles turning onto southbound 150th Avenue Southeast, allowing for improved egress from I-90 to South Bellevue.
Southbound 150th Avenue Southeast: The proposed design will improve traffic flow by adding a southbound through lane on 150th Avenue Southeast starting north of Southeast Eastgate Way and significantly reduce afternoon peak travel delays. The southbound through lane will connect to the right-turn-only lane at the Southeast 38th Street intersection.
Southeast 37th Street: The proposed design will provide additional left-turn capacity on Southeast 37th Street to the eastbound I-90 on-ramp.
The Bellevue Transportation Commission held a meeting on Jan. 12, 2017, where the 150th Avenue Southeast project was discussed, and the public was allowed to provide comments. The project was recommended as part of the Eastgate Transportation Study.
Project Schedule
- Spring 2025
- Anticipated start of construction
- January 2025
- 100% design complete
- July 2024
- 90% design completed
- January 2024
- 60% design completed
- January 2023
- 30% design completed
- January 2017
- Project recommended by the Eastgate Transportation Study
The total construction cost is $15 million, and the total project cost is $17.5 million. Funds to complete the design work were provided by the City of Bellevue Transportation Levy. The project includes $3.9 million in grant funding and potential reimbursements from the state to support construction. The remaining construction costs will be funded by the city’s Capital Improvement Plan Program.