These amendments updated Bellevue’s Land Use Code to comply with Senate Bill (SB) 5290, enacted in 2023. The changes codify permit timelines, clarify application requirements, and streamline processes to improve the efficiency of development permitting.
Washington State Senate Bill 5290 (SB 5290) amended the Local Project Review Act (RCW 36.70B) to accelerate housing development and enhance construction and land use permitting processes. Key provisions include establishing permit review timelines, modifying procedural requirements, and introducing new reporting standards. The legislation encourages cities to adopt efficiency measures, such as consolidating reviews or transitioning to digital systems. These measures support statewide goals to reduce permit timelines and foster economic growth in housing and other developments.
What happened?
Bellevue’s Development Services Department analyzed internal processes and developed permit streamlining strategies to enhance customer experiences and permit efficiency. Incorporating stakeholder feedback and leveraging technology, the department made several updates to align with SB 5290.
In November, the City Council approved a Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA) and adopted three streamlining measures to implement the required changes. However, not all SB 5290 requirements necessitate land use code amendments. Key provisions addressed through code changes include:
- Permit timelines: New deadlines for reviewing certain permits.
- Procedural updates: Updates to definitions, application completeness requirements, and submittal guidelines. For example, site plan reviews are no longer required for most interior alterations.
Additional procedural improvements, such as preapplication conferences and revisions to site plan review requirements, are being implemented outside the land use code.
What changed?
The legislation introduces several process changes to improve efficiency and transparency. Bellevue is now required to adhere to state-mandated deadlines for reviewing certain permits, ensuring timely processing. Additionally, the city has standardized requirements for submittal materials and completeness reviews to provide greater clarity for applicants. To maintain accountability, Bellevue must also report annually to the Department of Commerce on its permit review timelines.
Streamlining measures
To enhance efficiency, Bellevue is implementing three key measures as adopted by the council:
- On-call permitting assistance: Ensuring support during fluctuations in permit volumes or staffing levels.
- Contingent staffing: Budgeting for new positions funded by increased permit revenue.
- Permit fees: Charging fees in compliance with RCW 82.02.020 to cover costs for processing applications, inspections and environmental review.
These measures prevent the need to refund permit fees while maintaining service quality.
The changes will apply only to certain permits, and the specific submittal requirements - along with details about the permit types - will be outlined on the relevant permit pages in 2025.
Process changes
The city has updated its processes to align with SB 5290, introducing several enhancements to improve efficiency and transparency. Improved communication will ensure applicants are promptly informed of status changes or requests for additional information. Additionally, integrated review systems and streamlined interdepartmental workflows will enable concurrent reviews that significantly reduce processing times. Together, these updates will create a more efficient and transparent framework for managing development applications.
Preapplication conferences
Certain permits will now require preapplication conference and applicants will receive a preapplication letter that will provide review guidance and submittal requirements for specific projects. These will be required for: Design Review (LD), Master Development Plan (LP), Critical Areas Land Use Permit (LO), Preliminary Short Plat (LN), Conditional Use Permit (LB), Shoreline Conditional Use Permit (WA), Preliminary Plat (LL), and Planned Unit Development (LK).
For permits without this requirement, applicants can seek guidance through predevelopment service reviews or make informal inquiries with review staff. Applicants are encouraged to request submittal document waivers from staff to ensure their application is complete. Self-waivers are allowed but may result in incomplete applications.
Ongoing efforts
Beyond implementing SB 5290, Development Services remains committed to continuous process improvements. The department actively solicits feedback from customers, stakeholders and the community to enhance permitting processes and service delivery.
Additional information
Washington State Depart. of Commerce Local Project Review Act
Date | Action | Information |
6/11/2024 | City Council Initiation | City Council Agenda Materials |
10/15/2024 | City Council Study Session | City Council Agenda Materials |
11/26/2024 | City Council Public Hearing | City Council Agenda Materials |