City Hall and other city facilities are closed Thursday, Nov. 28, and Friday, Nov. 29, for Thanksgiving. Essential services such as police and fire are available.
Yard Debris Collection after Wind Storm
King County is pausing storm debris drop-off at all King County transfer stations from Friday, November 29 through Sunday, December 1. Their facilities are closed on Thanksgiving. King County needs to temporarily suspend accepting storm debris due to an overwhelming amount of storm debris and garbage entering their transfer stations. Get more info.
Bomb cyclone storm impacts
A bomb cyclone windstorm lashed Bellevue the night of Tuesday, Nov. 19, bringing down trees throughout the city and leaving hundreds of thousands without power. The mayor proclaimed a civil emergency in the city due to the storm's extensive damage. Regular updates about the city's response to the storm are being posted at Bomb Cyclone Storm.
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湾曲した独特な桟橋と絶景を楽しめるMeydenbauer Bay Parkは、Bellevue市を象徴する大人気スポットの1つです。公園の基本計画の下、現在Bellevue市はダウンタウン方面に延びる公園の拡張工事を計画しています。Bellevue市では公園の優先事項について地域の皆様の声を大切にしており、公園の最新の拡張設計案を公開しました。現在、 にて、公園の拡張設計案に関するオンライン・…