City Hall and other city facilities are closed Thursday, Nov. 28, and Friday, Nov. 29, for Thanksgiving. Essential services such as police and fire are available.
Yard Debris Collection after Wind Storm
King County is pausing storm debris drop-off at all King County transfer stations from Friday, November 29 through Sunday, December 1. Their facilities are closed on Thanksgiving. King County needs to temporarily suspend accepting storm debris due to an overwhelming amount of storm debris and garbage entering their transfer stations. Get more info.
Bomb cyclone storm impacts
A bomb cyclone windstorm lashed Bellevue the night of Tuesday, Nov. 19, bringing down trees throughout the city and leaving hundreds of thousands without power. The mayor proclaimed a civil emergency in the city due to the storm's extensive damage. Regular updates about the city's response to the storm are being posted at Bomb Cyclone Storm.
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Miércoles, octubre 11, 6:30-9 p.m. en City Hall, Sala del Consejo, 450 110th Ave. NE
Presentando Danza Azteca por Nahui Ollin Tezcatlipoca y Living Voices: La Causa
Ayúdenos a crear el nuevo Centro Intercultural sin Barreras de la ciudad. Asista a un taller comunitario martes 19 de septiembre, de 6 a 8 p. m., en la Escuela Media Odle, 502 143rd Ave....
La ciudad de Bellevue acepta ahora solicitudes de miembros de la comunidad interesados en formar parte del Centering Communities of Color Coordinating Team (Equipo de Coordinación de Comunidades de...
La ciudad de Bellevue está recibiendo solicitudes de aquellas personas interesadas en formar parte de la Bellevue Diversity Advisory Network (Red de Asesoramiento sobre la Diversidad de Bellevue,...