City Hall and other city facilities are closed Thursday, Nov. 28, and Friday, Nov. 29, for Thanksgiving. Essential services such as police and fire are available.
Yard Debris Collection after Wind Storm
King County is pausing storm debris drop-off at all King County transfer stations from Friday, November 29 through Sunday, December 1. Their facilities are closed on Thanksgiving. King County needs to temporarily suspend accepting storm debris due to an overwhelming amount of storm debris and garbage entering their transfer stations. Get more info.
Bomb cyclone storm impacts
A bomb cyclone windstorm lashed Bellevue the night of Tuesday, Nov. 19, bringing down trees throughout the city and leaving hundreds of thousands without power. The mayor proclaimed a civil emergency in the city due to the storm's extensive damage. Regular updates about the city's response to the storm are being posted at Bomb Cyclone Storm.
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Bellevue’s “All in for Autism” 10K and 5K runs return to downtown the morning of Sunday, April 30, starting at 8 a.m., with proceeds going to Bellevue’s Kindering Center, Washington Autism Alliance…
The city’s annual repaving program officially kicks off this month with projects throughout the city. To get a head start on the paving season, crews began some work in March.
Bellevue released a draft of its first Curb Management Plan, which establishes a long-term framework to guide the development, operation and maintenance of curbside areas in the city’s densest…
Plus, briefing on crisis response team implementation
On Monday, the City Council welcomed Julie Timm, Sound Transit’s new chief executive officer, who provided an update on East Link, the East Link…
Chance for snowflakes continues through Friday
Update Monday, Feb. 27, 2023
The National Weather Service is forecasting active winter weather through midweek, and there may be additional snowfall on…
Sound Transit’s light rail testing has resumed in Bellevue. Over the next few months, trains will run on the tracks along the portion of East Link between the South Bellevue and Redmond Technology…
Bellevue City Hall and other non-emergency city facilities will be closed today (Friday, Dec. 23) due to hazardous weather conditions. The city offers online delivery for most city services, which…
Saturday, Dec. 24, 2022
City of Bellevue crews responding to the recent snow and ice storms have mostly resumed their normal operating hours and are no longer working 24/7 shifts. Standby staff are…
As we enter snow and ice season, the Bellevue Transportation Department is launching an online map that will track which streets are plowed almost in real time during winter weather events.