Published June 13 2019
At Monday’s extended study session, the City Council reviewed the draft 2019-2030 Transportation Facilities Plan (TFP), recommended by the Transportation Commission, and provided direction on specific items that need more work. The council could adopt a revised plan at its July 15 meeting.
The TFP, which is updated every three years, is a 12-year transportation blueprint that lists anticipated improvements balanced to projected revenue. Projects that make it into the 12-year plan are eligible for inclusion in the city’s seven-year capital budget, with dedicated funding.
Another important element of the TFP is an impact fee project list consisting of transportation improvements needed to keep up with new development. The list helps determine how much developers should be charged to help pay the cost of new growth. Councilmembers asked staff to return with options to update the transportation impact fee rate schedule.
In a series of unanimous votes, the council also directed transportation staff to:
- Include in the TFP a Southeast 16th Street sidewalk and bike lanes project, which generated mixed feedback from the community and was not part of the Transportation Commission’s recommendation;
- Provide options to the council for a transportation study of the Northeast Bellevue, Overlake and East Bellevue areas; and
- Prepare a budget request to develop a transportation master plan in the 2021-2022 time frame.
The full discussion of the plan is available online via BTV. More information is available in the council agenda materials.
Choices for People with Disabilities Plan
Earlier, the council received an update on the Parks & Community Services Department’s outline of recreational choices available for people with disabilities. The purpose of the plan is to break down barriers for participation, provide access to parks, recreation facilities and playgrounds and increase staff awareness.
Bellevue’s recreation programs, parks, trails and playgrounds are widely used by people with disabilities. The city continues to work with families and caregivers to help ensure physical and program access.
The Parks Department started providing adaptive recreation in the early 1970s for adults with intellectual disabilities. In the 1980s, the city expanded services at the Highland Community Center and established the center as an adaptive recreation facility providing programs for people with disabilities. During the 1990s, Bellevue broadened the program choices and began providing adaptive recreation programs in other facilities.
Additional details can be found in the agenda packet materials.